2013年1月30日 星期三



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【Baby Hunger Outbreak in Hong Kong, International Aid Requested】

Local parents in Hong Kong can hardly buy baby formula milk powder in drugstores and supermarkets, as smugglers from mainland China storm to this tiny city to buy milk powder and resell for huge profits in China. Many retailers stockpiled milk powder and are reluctant to sell to local parents as the shops can sell their stocks in big cartons to mainland smuggler for huge profits. Countries like Germany, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand exercise rationed sale to tourist buyers from China for milk powder but the Hong Kong government simply frame the situation as a matter of free trade and refuse to exercise law which is already there to stop cross-border smuggling. We request for international support and assistance as babies in Hong Kong will face malnutrition very soon. Emptying Hong Kong's baby milk powder reserve is one of the tactics used by communist China against Hong Kong people so as to punish them for demanding democracy. Hong Kong's future generation will be virtually starved out. After the communist take-over of Hong Kong in 1997, this city has the lowest birth rate in the world, and the biggest immigration flux from the mainland to replenish the "natural" loss of locals. Very soon, mainland Chinese immigrants will out-number the locals. That's what happened in Tibet, decades ago.

