2013年3月16日 星期六
請參加聯署 - 本社群致 "聯合國人權事務委員會" 聯署信
【請參加聯署 - 本社群致 "聯合國人權事務委員會" 聯署信;奪回本地孩子小一派位等原區就讀的應有權利】
原網頁「反對內地孕婦來港產子!10 萬人 Like 俾政府睇!」:http://facebook.com/events/420288241341943/
聯署信以三種方式: a. 派人親身到聯合國總部遞交、b. 委托傳媒轉交、c. 電郵或郵奇;有待決定。
多謝社群盟友 "Roger Chan" 義務撰文。以英文本為準,中譯僅供參考。
To whom it may concern
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are a group of Hong Kong citizens campaigning on the rights of our children against the unlawful breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government.
Ever since the Government of the People's Republic of China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong from 1 July 1997, Hong Kong has experienced a drastic social change in two areas including health and education system. In the last 15 years, these areas were abused by the uncontrollable intrusion of Mainland Chinese nationals.
These intruders do not have the right of abode in Hong Kong. Not only they rush their babies’ birth in our emergency wards, occupied the maternity ward and Child Health Centers illegally, they are now taking over our children’s right of education in our schools. The cumulative total of 230,000 of which over 80,000 such babies being delivered and unlawfully gaining Hong Kong identity in the last 12 years.
Because of the increasing number of cross-border non-Hong Kong residents’ children, the North District is short of about 1,400 Primary One places especially in Sheung Shui, Fan Ling and Sha Tau Kok. The Education Bureau further confirms this face on 25th January.
The Education Bureau of HKSAR government so far did not guarantee the admission priority for local families although the government promised to increase public school places by measures such as borrowing them from nearby schools, adding more classes and student places, and building more classrooms. But these measures will not be effective until 2014.
We believe HKSAR government failed to protect Hong Kong people in this case. We were told by Mr. Eddie Ng Hak-kim that these illegal non-Hong Kong residents’ children will have the same right as our own children. Ng told a radio programmed on 22nd January that he thought more than 40 per cent of children born to mainland families could return to Hong Kong for education.
Based on British and Chinese Governments signed the Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong on 19 December 1984, in accordance to Sino-British Joint Declaration (1), this group would like to seek your assistance to resolve the problems facing majority of the Hong Kong families. We believe through the influence of United Nation, Hong Kong can continue its prosperity and maintain its position in the international arena.
We would like to see both the government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the government of People’s Republic of China honoring their promise to us, the Hong Kong People by giving the priority and allocating in our primary schools the places, which are entitled to our children.
Furthermore, we would like both governments restrict the number of non-Hong Kong residents cross border students studying in our school. These students have no rights to use our resources, which are paid by Hong Kong taxpayers.
We look forward to your kind response and a prompt resolution.
Thank you for your attentions.
Yours sincerely,
Reference material:
1) Article X of ANNEX I - The Joint Declaration
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall maintain the educational system previously practiced in Hong Kong….
2) North District short of 1,400 Primary One places http://ppt.cc/RMNL
我們是一群香港市民的社群,關於香港特別行政區 (港府) 政府違反 "英中聯合聲明" 精神,而爭取我們孩子的權益。
自從中華人民共和國政府於 1997年7月1日 對香港行使主權,香港經歷了急劇的社會變化特別在兩個領域,衛生和教育系統。在過去的 15 年,進入香港的中國公民肆虐侵犯而失控。
這些進入者沒有香港居留權,他們不僅強闖急症室誕下嬰兒,而且搶掠婦產科床位和母嬰健康院資源;現在!他們搶掠我們孩子的小一學位,削奪我們的孩子受教育的權利。過去的 12 年共有 230,000 名雙非嬰,其中 80,000 名在違理違法下獲得香港居留權。(註: 闖關、衝急症室、逾居、偷渡、假文件、走數醫療費)
由於越來越多的非香港居民父母的兒童跨境來港入讀,北區特別是上水,粉嶺,沙頭角欠缺 1400名 小一學額,1月25日 教育局進一步證實了這情況。
香港特區政府教育局至今沒有保證優先為本地家庭的孩子原區入學,雖然政府承諾提高公立學校的學額措施,如借用附近的學校,增加更多的班次及學額,加建造更多的課室。不過,這些措施直到 2014 年不能生效。
我們相信這個情況,香港特區政府沒有保護港人。吳克儉先生說,這些違法的非香港居民的子女有著跟本地兒童同等的權利。1月22日,吳先生在一個電台節目上說,超過 40% 的大陸家庭的子女會到香港接受教育。
基於英國政府和中國政府於 1984年12月19日 簽署了香港問題的 "聯合聲明",按聲明 (注一) 本群體想尋求您的幫助,解決大部分香港家庭所面臨的困境。我們相信,通過聯合國的影響力,香港可以繼續繁榮和維持在國際舞台上的地位。
(註一) 聯合聲明附件一第十條