2013年4月24日 星期三

Your donations to China would very likely become...

(from top left)

  • luxurious watches for CCP leaders
  • gratuity to CCP prostitutes
  • shopping trips to Hong Kong and Macau
  • expensive cars for CCP leaders
  • military funding for oppressing the masses
  • bullets aimed at your heads
  • fifty-cent payments for the 50 Cent Party
  • extravagant estates for bureaucrats
  • jailing costs for prisoners of conscience
  • expenses for silencing victims and their families
  • wages for city enforcers
  • local CCP factions' expenditure

original Chinese version : http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=334623906660741&set=a.260849150704884.59108.260698017386664&type=1&ref=nf

translated by Hanson Lau